Dicky's Doghouse

Auto Service & MaintenanceGood Cents Gift Certificates
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Driving Directions:
We are located on Clifty Drive in front of Anderson's Sales and Services.

About Us
The first aim of this business is to glorify God in all that we do. When we focus on that, we believe we are better able to serve our customers and to do excellent work. “Unless the Lord builds the house, he labors in vain who builds it” and we believe the same applies to this business that God has given us. We are a family who works together to offer the best service we can provide.
We offer a 2 year, 24,000 mile warranty to our customers on all of our repairs. We partner with our parts suppliers so that if you are anywhere in the country and a part that we have installed goes bad, there will be a repair shop nearby that can fix your vehicle at no cost to you. We think this is an important service and guarantee to offer to our customers.

Rep/Contact Info

Kayla Morrow
Office Administrator/ CFO
- Phone: (812) 273-5233
- Send an Email
- 2910 Clifty Dr Madison IN 47250